Saturday, June 14, 2008


Ok so I have really been on this kick about canning food. I am trying to be a good little homemaker. With the price of fuel and everything going higher in prices there has been a little scare of the truckers going on strike. So Steven and I went to Wal-Mart and stocked up on canning jars, band-aides, hydrogen peroxide, neosporin, shampoo, toilet paper, clorox, and maybe a couple of other things for our year supply that are not food. Hey even if the strike never happens we will have the things we need and not have to run to the store. Plus we are doing what the prophets say we should be doing and working on our year supply.We bought 50 lbs of beans and 40 lbs of chicken so I can start canning them. This is the first time I have done this and am totally obsessed with it. I was able to get almost four dozen pints of chicken canned and lots and lots of beans. I have done just a couple of jars of pork and beef but plan to do more as they come on sale. We have tried a jar of all the things I haved canned and they have turned out great! Steven loves the beans when I have made chili beans. Oh how fast and easy they are to whip up. They taste great. I must say I LOVE to hear the little seals "POP" after being taken out and sealing. It is such an awesome thing to hear. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment.


  1. WOW!!! I am so impressed! I would love to learn how to do this.

  2. Good for you! I am going to do the same thing- if we ever get moved! I might be calling you for tips when I start bottling stuff!

  3. You're awesome! John and I need to start canning again. We used to can fruit and pie filling. I have never canned vegi's or meat.

    I have a Huge testimony of food storage! When my family moved to UT we debated on if we should move all of our food storage (we had a yr supply for each of us). I am glad we did because when John lost his job we lived off of it!

    We have been trying to replenish it slowly ever since!

  4. Right on. Isn't is so much fun, especially to hear the "pop". That is my mom and I's favorite part. We are gettting started this week. We do a little every year, but not nearly enough. Times like these really make you want to get prepared for what might come. We'll have to get together and have a little "canning party" of our own one day!!

  5. Oh boy-I totally agree-canning is addicting. We LOVE our canned beans and I use my chicken all the time. DOing meat is so easy it is ridiculous.....Good job for you!

  6. Wow you have been one busy lady! I wish I lived closer so you could teach me how to can!

  7. I actually just canned some beef today. It is on sale at Safeway! I did it as a tester last time it was on sale and got about 14 pints and we used every pint! Like you said nice and convenient! PS...go to Safeway and get some Round Steak $1.27/lb.

  8. You are smart! I am not! That's all I'll say!
