Friday, June 13, 2008


Well I have to write a little something about the things you think your kids are NOT paying attention to. The day little Karlee Jane was born we had Britt over for the day. They played and played and were having a great time. The boys were all excited about having a new baby girl in the family. Steven and I were in the kitchen getting lunch and the boys come barreling in saying something about Heavenly Father. We paid no attention to them at the time then a few minutes later we did. The boys were each taking turns sitting down and the other would put their tiny little hands on the others head and start to say a prayer. Then they would switch and the other would do the same. I was in awe. These little boys are only two years old and they have seen their daddies give blessings to their moms. They know that it is something special. I didn’t think they were even paying any attention at all because we as moms are always trying to get them to sit still and fold their arms. After having Aiden and getting my gallbladder out I was starting to feel better and Riley came up to me as I was laying on the couch and put his hands on my head. I could hear him say “Dear Heavenly Father.” Then a bunch of jibberish followed and then an Amen. How amazing are our little ones. I know they can feel the spirit even when they are so little. They watch us everyday make choices and do things. They follow our example and we better be ready when they do the things we are doing. I only hope I will be a great example to my children as they watch me. It makes me want to do so much better. Remember when they are running around, don’t think that they are not aware of what is around them. They are very aware and very impressionable!


  1. Thanks for the reminder! It really is crazy what they pick up on! We missed you at the park the other day...I'm coming down next week, maybe we can go to the pool together.

  2. By the way...cute family pics!!! I love them!

  3. I was totally tearing up when I read this. It is so true that they are paying attention even when we don't think so. Thanks for sharing that, it is a very good reminder. Your pics turned out good I love look good:)

  4. That is so sweet-and I LOVE your blog update and the family pic is gorgeous!

  5. That is so cute! I am such a baby-I totally teard up and cried a little! What a good reminder- I think we don't give them credit for what they are capable of sometimes. I guess what they say is true- if we would stop and pay attention, I think we would learn from them just like they learn from us. And I love your blog and pictures- VERY cute!

  6. I think kids are much more intune to the spirit than we are. We as adults are often too busy too listen. Thanks for the reminder!

    Also great new pics and blog page!

  7. So true, so true! Kids are always listening. Thanks for sharing your story. I love the new family picture!
